

This series was a visual diary documenting Joy's first visit to Amsterdam. She noticed that throughout the city many buildings had such large windows but no blinds were used, even late at night, allowing for a voyeuristic view into a variety of different households.





Her images are shot from different angles and anyone in the windows remain anonymous. My personal favourite image from the series is the image titled 'Thursday'. In my own work I am experimenting with the prospect of boundaries and ways in which I can separate myself from my subject. This image illustrates two boundaries; The window which is in focus, a primary boundary between camera and subject, and secondly, what appears to be the top of a wrought iron gate or fencing, which is out of focus, which draws our eyes to the subject, the image would have a much less voyeuristic feel to it if the image was taken closer to the window.

By naming the image by the day of the week, she really documents and objectifies. This is consistent with the images being a diary, however, for example, Fridays image could have been named 'Maggie at Dinner' which suggests an insider perspective. I could do this is my work by not using anything personal when naming images. Such as naming them by the dates they were taken or simply 'Flatmate'.

I found Joy on and tried to contact her directly to gain more information about her images, (or even a surname) however my e-mails went unanswered so I was unable to find any context other than what was already given. However this has helped me read into her images better and in my own way.

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