

Yesterday I went for a walk around the back streets of norwich taking photographs of windows at night, it was 5:30. Upsettingly dark so early :( 

Anyway this was the outcome of this shoot; I wanted to capture illuminated windows and use them as part of a larger scale composition similar to that of Anne- Laure Maison

I am happy with how this shoot turned out and  I have captured a variety of different windows,  which will all work together in a composition. 
Images 1418-1430 were taken from outside of a antique shop and an old book store. I really like these images as you cannot tell they are photographs of shops, and therefore really highlight the position of an outsider, looking into a home which isn't there own.

 1/50 f/4.5 ISO 6400 Canon 600D

1/250 f/4.5 ISO 6400

I really like these two images as they feel as though they are snapshots taken of someones home from the outside. I chose to include the window frame in these compositions to highlight the boundary between the inside, and where the camera is. This is a similar technique to that which Joy (post here) used. The lighting is soft and realistic of lighting which might be in a family home in the evening.
This image would be different if the lighting was how it would be during the day; as it is a shop therefore it would be quite luminescent, and further more, if the shot was taken from further in, without the frame of the window being included in the photograph, it would have a much less voyeuristic feel to it.

Overall I am really happy with these images, in particular these two as I wasn't expecting to come across such a shop that would be so interesting. It would have made the shot even better if there was a model who I could have used to give a really voyeuristic approach.

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