Narrative Shoot 5


I really liked the outcome of my disposable images which I took in Barcelona and was eager to shoot again on a disposable in a similar style.

For this shoot me and my friend on the Fashion Promotion and Communication course at NUA both needed similar style images; she is in the process of creating a magazine publication and asked me to model for her, and vice versa. We ventured to an abandoned building with another friend as our guide. Once narrowly avoiding some barbed wire we explored the different rooms to find suitable places to photograph. The building was last used as a dentist in 2004 and the once brightly coloured walls which were slightly faded looked really cool and quite homely, so I wanted to include them and the staircase also. I am still fascinated with Corinne Day's Dairy photographs, and they were always at the back of my mind for some inspiration when my ideas ran dry.

My final Outcomes:

This shot above is my personal favourite because it captures everything I set out to achieve; my model looks natural and raw, I didn't change anything or direct her too much; I asked her to stand somewhere and do what feels comfortable and natural. I shot this image as she was talking which
helps create the snapshot feel the image possesses. I wasn't originally going to have my model in only a top; however we were both shooting at the same time and she had me in a jumper and knickers so she took her jeans off so that I felt more comfortable, and it really worked for my aesthetic also which I am very happy with.  

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