Todd Hido


After my initial shoot I really liked the musky tones and the colours which the images had, and Matt urged me to take another look into the work of Hido, as the mood of the images is similar to that of his, who's work is very dimly lit and focused on the lighting. This moody aspect to these images evokes a similar feel to one to that which I want my images to achieve, as this contributes to the almost creepy feeling of voyeurism.

These houses are captured from a distance, which gives the impression that the photographer is an outsider, watching the house. There are no humans which can be seen, but merely the light which should signify that there is someone home. This Anthropomorphises the houses to the extent that the lone light suggests isolation and vulnerability; the same feelings someone would feel if they realised they were being photographed without their permission in an intimate fashion, such as voyeurism. This effect is highlighted by the pathetic fallacy which is brought from the comparison of the act of voyeurism and the dark, foggy dimly lit landscape which surrounds the house.

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