British Journal of Photography - Visual references


In our show and tell session yesterday Andi suggested that I looked in the March issue of The British Journal of Photography as it had images of sports photography which had a similar aesthetic to my initial images for the D&AD brief. Vincent Peters for 'The Face' magazine in 2001 and images of Muhammad Ali taken by David King for his photographic biography of the star titled 'I Am King'.
Both sets of images have dramatic lighting which highlight different aspects of both models bodies in a flattering way in order to accentuate their physiques. 
The images of Muhammad Ali have a more similar aesthetic to images I want to achieve, however the following images of David Beckham have posed him in a way in which I want to present my own model. 

I really like the contrast that these two images possess, and they are flatteringly lit, highlighting all of his defined body physique. I can achieve a similar effect by having harsh directional light from certain angles and to position my model in a way which is flattering. My model has a muscular body, which will look similar to the first image when it is hit by the light. 

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