Marie Jacob and Julia Strathmann (Reischel)


Marie Jacob and Julia Strathmann are the two Berlin based women behind Jacob Reischel. They both studied Industrial Design at The University of Arts Berlin. Jacob went on to become a photographer,
Strathmann a Graphic Designer; however they collaborate together to produce very elegant, considered designs for magazine and web pages, but largely focus on Still Life and creating concepts. 
All of their work is very balanced and beautiful, simple and very aesthetically pleasing. 
Their work really stood out to me, and their use of colour and props together works so well, I want to incorporate a similar level of harmony in my own still life compositions. 

The use of lines and colour together with the subject in the two images above and below work really well and compliment one another. Particularly in the image below, the colour matching of the pink background with the pink of the brush handle and tipped bristles work well together and help the image feel complete. I plan to use more than one colour of background in some of my images as it creates a lot more interest and a more dynamic photograph. I plan to collaborate with graphic designers to achieve a similar aesthetic of my own.

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