Brief Number 3


Today we were given our third and final brief of BA1b; an open brief which we shall propose our ideas for on March 7th, to form into small groups of between 5-7 people, and to then exhibition our work in those working groups as either an exhibition or publication format. 
As the brief gave us so much scope on what we could photograph, I have chosen to focus mine around Still Life. I have never been interested in Still Life before and never really appreciated it, however during our workshops we have been focusing more on still life, and I assisted a second year on a still life shoot which I found really fun. I want to challenge myself and make sure I give all areas of photography a chance, and this seems like the perfect opportunity to do so.
I had come across the work of Agnes Lloyd Platt in my peers narrative projects and really liked her work, so I knew I wanted my work to be really colourful and pretty. I found all the below images on Pinterest, a social platform which I use regularly to source inspiration and ideas and gives me the opportunity to organise them clearly and refer back to them whenever I want. 
Below is a Mood Board I created gathering together my initial ideas for what I want to achieve from this brief. 

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