Narrative Shoot 6


Today I took images of my sister while she was getting dressed in the morning.
I took images on both my digital SLR and a disposable camera as I am interested to see how the two differ and if I can achieve an effect similar to that  disposable camera brings to an image in post production. I used a very high ISO to create grain in my digital files, as this is a key future which film cameras possess. 

This image is my favourite from the series from this morning. I really like the composition, including the door frame and wall. It doesn't feel voyeuristic as its clear I am in full view of the subject if she were to turn around, and I am taking the photograph openly. I prefer the lighting of this image to the previous, which is too grainy for my aesthetic, but I like the composition, so I look forward to seeing the developed film image of that as it will have different lighting but same composition. 

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