Still Life Shoot 1


Yesterday I shot my first set of still life images for our third brief. I had a good idea of what I planned to do which was helped by setting up compositions last week. This meant that I only had to perfect my lighting, which would remain consistent throughout, to have my set up sorted, meaning I had the opportunity to try lots of different subjects.
My lighting consisted of two soft boxes angled from above forming a light tent around my subject. At first I didn't have soft boxes on my lights and the lighting was too harsh, creating shadows. However once I had added soft boxes the lighting was a lot more flattering for my subjects and nice and soft, allowing for the aesthetic I wanted.

My images of sunglasses were my personal favourites. I really like the colour palettes used for both, the colour matching of the second image works well with the bold addition of the green from the plant, which brings more interest to both images. This made me realise how important it is to have something else in the shot to add interest, I preferred all images when there was something else in the frame. 

I really like the simplicity of this shot, I tried other versions of this where I included the addition of sprinkles however I much prefer this shot which is purely focused on the doughnut and the colour matching between the background and the icing on the doughnut, which is what I set out to achieve. 

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