

Last week it was pointed out to me that the brief for the D&AD New Blood specified that they preferred submitted images to be landscape rather than portrait, as they were going to be viewed on a landscape screen. At this point in time, 2/3 of my images were portrait. Whoops. I wanted to experiment with my images in landscape format, as I wanted all three of my images to be the same orientation as they will fit better together as a series. 
Also I went back and re edited my image for 'rebirth' as the colour palette for this image was significantly warmer and more saturated than my other two images and I wanted the three to be of a similar colour palette so that they work together as a set. 
I desaturated the oranges of his skin tone to achieve a flatter brown tone, decreased whites and highlights, and darkened the background. 
Other adjustments to the images in post was the removal of all logos and branding within all images, whether it was on gloves, underwear or clothing. Shutter stock, the provider of the brief is a brand itself and it was specified that they didn't want any branding within the images. 

After experimenting with Orientation, I do think my images work in landscape, and as it was desired by the client I am happy to submit my photographs landscape, despite previous reservations I had about too much empty space, I think the space around my subject does work, as my work is about personal reflection and the mentality of an athlete, having the space around the subject makes the images look more reflective and considered.  

The Quest


Overcoming the Monster

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