Carl Kleiner


I am familiar with Carl Kleiner's work from studying him briefly last year when looking at his 'Homemade is best' series for IKEA. Today in our group crit Matt mentioned him again to look into for inspiration for the still life aspect of my new work. I really like the bright colours and the way he almost has created a set for the bags featured in the wall street journal. I want to step up my still life game and try and create a kind of set around my pieces, and I like the possibility of including parts of a model in the shot too.

Kleiner's work is never too complicated; either his compositions are usually very simple, but it is the subject matter which is incredibly clever, or the other way round where he creates large scale sets with simple subject matter very effectively.

Carl Kleiner for Planters

Carl and Evelina Kleiner for Café M

Carl Kleiner for IKEA, 'Homemade is best'

Carl and Evelina Kleiner for Wall Street Journal

In the image above, which was published in the wall street journal, I really like the way the still life has been composed, and how the use of lines and different colours creates a sense of depth and adds another dimension to the composition. I am not sure how I feel about the top of the shot, as the strap of the bag still looks as though it is floating a little, and i'm struggling to place it. I like the idea of using props and a set to build a composition up more than the work I produced last year. 

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