Zara TRF A/W Campaign 2016


I have chosen to look at brands and campaigns from different seasons as they always have a variety of mediums, my thoughts mainly being focused on moving image as this is something which I am worried about producing myself. The consistency of a brand campaign is something which I need to replicate myself and the aesthetic I am currently leaning towards. 

The first campaign I looked at was Zara's TRF A/W 2016. I really like Zara's editorials and am constantly drawing inspiration from them; this one stood out in particular as I really like the way the moving image is constructed and presented. 

In terms of portrait inspiration I really like the composition of the stills and it is making me want to experiment with portraits and shooting on location as well as in the studio, as immediately after hearing the brief I thought I would shoot primarily in the studio, however I want to see what I can achieve outside of this. 
I would aim to make the colours lighter and much more airy, staying away from darker tones preferably. 

Shot by Craig McDean.

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