Rough cut approach 4


My fourth approach was sewing into prints. I had done this previously by hand but wanted to see how using a sewing machine could improve my technique. Sophie had mentioned doing so in my crit last week and so I experimented. I found the process far too uncontrolled for my liking, I couldn't make the shapes I wanted to precisely and quickly got frustrated. I came back to it a day later for another go but despite making some imporevments, knew I wasn't going to be able to achieve the look I wanted from using the machine. I reverted back to hand sewing to be able to take control and go and a much more steady, relaxed pace. I find hand embroidery quite therapeutic so happily stitched into my images for a couple of hours. I was happy with my outcomes from it; below are my attempts.

This attempt really didn't turn out very well so I combined the approach with a destructive technique using acetone nail polish remover to remove the top layer of the image. It was too destructive and I didn't have much control over what I was doing which was frustrating. 

I really liked the directional lines I used when I stitched into the print by hand, so I attempted the same pattern on the sewing machine. Because it was a much simpler pattern than the flowers it did work out better, however I still struggled to be very intricate and the process was very rushed and lacked precision, which is something I want in my images. 

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