Shooting at the Barbican Conservatory


In our group crit on thursday Sophie suggested that I go shoot more landscapes which are coherent with my work, and to get the tropical subject matter, to go to either Kew gardens or the Barbican Centre Conservatory. I hadn't been to the Barbican centre before so decided to go there. I went yesterday not really knowing what id find and not expecting too much and was pleasantly surprised. Although half of it was closed due to private functions, I still had access to the majority of the space.

Overall I'm not happy with the images I got, It didn't go well for the following reasons;
It was getting dark really early, which I didn't account for, so lighting conditions were poor and didn't want to use flash to try and keep consistency within my set of images. My images have soft lighting and this wasn't achievable, the only available light was quickly disappearing to leave only harsh coloured spotlights. I wasn't properly prepared and didn't have anything colourful to
Even though I took some images that I like, none of them match my aesthetic and the colours were  way off, I didn't want to photoshop too much as this isn't the look I'm going for either, the compositions are far too complex and just didn't work for me.

I now plan to go back over my Rome landscapes because they definitely go better with my portraits and still life images.

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