

After shooting some more landscapes which have a more tropical feel, I attempted to fit my images together to see if they work together coherently. Below are my first attempts. The first image I am really happy with; I think they work together really well and bring together my vision of combining my minimalism with patterns. 

I experimented with my newest landscapes, but I am not very happy with how they came out and think I need to re-shoot. I plan to do this this coming weekend. Although they don't work as a three, the two either end although side by side do work together, and my aim is not to produce four sets pf three images, but twelve which all work together. 

Ever since I took this image I have always returned to it as a successful shot and I love the composition and the styling together. I was looking for ways for this to still fit into my current work in light of how its progressed since taking it. I went back to the textile designer which I worked with for my other shoots, and used her digital prints and digitally placed it behind the model. This was just an experiment but I'm really happy with how it came out and it works really well alongside my other images.  

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