All Saints Green by Night


These images were taken using a 200mm lens, from across the road to NUA halls All Saints Green, in a travelodge fire escape. Particularly inspired by Japanese photographer shizuka Yokomizo, however I didn't want any engagement between the subject and the camera and myself, in the way that Yokomizo has eye contact with her subjects.

With these images I still wanted to maintain some anonymity, and therefore any images which I felt were too open and zoomed in on a subject I discarded. After presenting these images in a group crit and the images which were more zoomed out being favoured over images which were centred on just one subject, I changed my direction slightly.

Final Outcomes:

These two images above are my favourite as they tell many stories from one image. Each window is an opening into another life/set of lives, and we are forced to wonder what is happening. In this bottom image I chose to capture some of the road beside the building. This helps capture some context into where the building is and the height of the building as even though we cannot see the whole building, we as viewers are given the idea that there are many more stories to be told through these windows. 

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