Peep Hole?


This shoot I wanted to take images from inside my flatmates bedrooms, with the intention that, post production, I would create a border around them to give the impression that the images had been taken through a key hole or a whole purposefully made to spy on the inhabitants. I got this idea from the film 'Rear Window' which I watched as research into voyeuristic photography. 

Final Outcomes:

When I took these ideas to a group crit it was suggested that this image looks very staged. After looking back on it I do agree that it doesn't look very realistic. This compromises the image as a photograph taken from an outsider perspective, which was the effect which I was trying to achieve.

I do like this shoot; I wanted it to come across as quite creepy as I am supposed to be a voyeur spying on my subject; however I do feel as though it is rather staged and lacks the feeling of voyeurism which I wanted to portray; If the subject knows I'm there it doesn't feel as authentic. I have chosen not to carry on with this idea.

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