By Day


For this shoot I again tried to take a different type of image, focusing more on suburban windows and views rather than the musky Todd Hido feel of photograph. 

Images 2282/2283 I tried to capture some of the window pane from my side into the image, to show another boundary between me and my subject, similar to Arne Svensons images which I researched.

Final outcomes:

This image took inspiration from Gail albert Halaban, (post here) who took images from her apartment window in New York City, her images weren't as close up as the images I have been taking previously, I really  like this image as when its taken with more background and during the day, it gives more context to the image as we can see more than just through their window. 

This image is my favourite of the two. Even though there is no one at the window, there is a clear view into the room and the poster of a woman draws the eye and still makes the viewer feel a voyeur.

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