Shortest Shoot ever?


A quick shoot of opportunity, I really liked the composition of these images, how it may be unclear as to how the image had been made. Purely done by reflection and taken by chance I don't think these images will be used anywhere as the colour balance isn't great, however I like the way you question the image; is it inside, is it outside etc. I always have my camera out when I am in the kitchen with my flatmates as there always seems to be a photographic opportunity.


1/200 f/5.6 ISO 6400 Canon 600D

I really liked how this composition came to be, completely by chance and how smoothly the inside and the outside have come together. These images don't, in my opinion, really flow with the rest of my work. The image is very grainy from a high ISO, which heightens the dismal feeling of the image created by the dark colours. I won't be using these images for any further work or progression through my project as they don't fit with how I wanted my images to come across to the viewer, and although there is a combination of inside/outside, my project is very outside orientated, from looking from the outside inside, and this image was taken from the inside looking out. 

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