Flatmates at Sunset


After my tutorial with Juneko and realising that my work can evolve in a way that isn't linear, I immediately knew I wanted to do a something similar to my initial ideas, of my flatmates doing their normal routines, because when you can't stop thinking about a shoot, there must be a reason for it.

My final Outcomes:

1/60 f/4.5 ISO 400 Canon 600D

1/60 f/4.5 ISO 400 Canon 600D

1/30 f5.6 ISO 400

1/100 f/4.5 ISO 400 Canon 600D

I am really happy with the way these images came out. I used minimal lighting, using the lights from the cooker hood to light my models face and to highlight areas which picked up the light. I shot the image through the door to capture the reflection of the window in the far end of the room. There was a really pretty coloured sunset, which gave the whole image subtle pink undertones. This lighting worked well and the image would have a more mundane feel to it if the lighting was flat and white, and I am very happy with my decision to shoot at this time. 
My models again, knew I was photographing them however I told them to not acknowledge me and to act as though I wasn't there as they had done previously, consistent with other images I have taken. 

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