Third Shoot


Here I tried to do a similar shoot to my initial shoot, capturing reflections through a glass door. I really liked this effect that the reflections brought to the image, adding a new dimension. My aim was to  maintain anonymity and not engagement between camera and subject, something I was as successful with the last shoot so I hoped to feel as though the images worked better with my theme. 

My best outcomes from this shoot:

This image is my personal favourite from this shoot. I particularly like the lighting of the photograph. It was taken just as it was getting dark. If the image was lit differently it would affect the mood significantly; Its warm tones but quite dark give the impression of comfortableness, the subject is at home and the lighting isn't over done, its natural. If the lighting was harsh and bright the mood of the image would be more bright and undertones of happiness, something I didn't want to convey as voyeurism is quite a dark act and I think I portrayed this well. What has been captured is the subject doing something totally mundane, however the image has been made a lot more interesting by the reflections which have been captured; of the table and chairs which can be seen in the front of the sink and also the reflection of the back wall, in particularly the window. These somewhat flaws in the image create another dimension which add a lot of interest and distraction, however not enough to detract from the whole image and the subject. Voyeuristic images are rarely perfect; they're taken by chance trying to get the best angle of the subject or 'target', primarily through windows where you are bound to capture some reflection. Therefore my images are realistic to by ideas and scenario, and maintain my outsiders position well. 

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