Looking for inspiration


Whilst looking for story lines and inspiration on how other fashion narratives are composed and presented I spent forever looking through my vast collection of Vogue and Harpers which I have collected from over the years to see if anything there really stood out to me as something I could do.

Looking at fashion stories like this one helped me to realise that anything can be a narrative and that the clothes and location help to build and maintain the story.

I really like the use of space in the two images above; the way one image has been spread across a double page, creates almost the appearance of two images in one. I like the idea of doing a similar print in my narrative, using the middle double page spread as a large statement image which works as both two images alone as well as one together. 

This image of Kim Kardashian is part of a series shot by Theo Wenner, and although isn't the same clean, high fashion style of imagery which I plan to shoot for my narrative, I do really like the natural, raw beauty aesthetic which the image possesses, and the use of space here printed in a double page spread.

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