Second Portrait Shoot of Project 3


Today I did a second shoot experimenting with portraiture with colour matching.  I used props which I had photographed both Monday this week and last, and the colours which I experimented with on Monday in the studio.
I used the same set up as I had done previously, as shown in the image below. I used ambient light and a coloured piece of A2 card stuck to a wall. I positioned my model in front and directed her to pose in ways which showed the props off the best.

Improvements I made on this shoot from my last were the styling of my photographs, I wanted my models hair up this time to place more emphasis on the sunglasses and bag, and to her jaw line also.
I much prefer the outcome of this shoot and the colours are much more bold and bright; in my previous shoot the green was very washed out and I struggled to enhance this dramatically in photoshop, so I opted to a pale blue instead which still colour matched my prop and complimented my models eyes also. I am very happy with the outcome of this shoot and used what I had learned from my previous one to improve and overcome creative obstacles.

This image didn't originally stand out to me, however it has grown rapidly on me. The interaction between the model and camera is very solid and striking, it draws you to her eyes, and in turn, the sunglasses which is the main subject. The models blue eyes are another aspect where colour matching is used, and I used this to my advantage. I chose a model with contrasting features such as dark hair and pale skin and this really helps create a cool, almost icy feel to the shot. 
Fine details which I plan to edit are the models bra strap and increasing sharpness of her eyes as the shallow focus is mainly on her nose and the glasses. 

This is my favourite image of this shoot. The composition doesn't show all of the bag but I wanted the focus of the shot to be the colour matching, even the subtle additions such as pink eyeshadow and lips. I have only edited the basics of this image here, as this is the version which I printed for my show and tell session tomorrow, however I plan to go back over and fine tune details such as different skin tones on the face compared to the neck, and also different colour skin on the face to the scalp. The colour of the background makes my models eyes pop which draws the viewer into the image, and my very shallow depth of field only focuses on her facial features which softens the whole photograph, heightening the soft effect given by the pastel colour palette. 

I really like this shot as a photograph by itself; the colour scheme is bright and the sunglasses stand out which was my aim. I plan to edit this image as again I have only altered the colour luminance and saturation to make the background pop, however elements which I missed in styling such as the models bra straps and marks lower the production value of my image as it doesn't look as clean and refined.

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