Still Life Shoot 2


Today I experimented with more still life images; I really liked the outcome of my first still life shoot, and was keen to give it a second go with the two most successful props and a bag which I chose to photograph in replace of the pink doughnut, as the bag is more interesting and can be styled in many ways in which the doughnut couldn't, but the pastel pink colour scheme remains consistant. Something which was very important as the pink colour scheme worked the best in my opinion and the colour matching was the most eye catching. 
I chose to try a new, bolder colour with the darker pair of sunglasses as all of my images have been pastel shades, however I am unsure of the outcome of the colour pairing, and prefer the pastel colour palette and matching these. 
Image _98A9433 is an example of how I had edited the image in post to bring out the colours, I shoot all my images neutral so that the colours are not adjusted automatically by my camera, but are easily brought out using luminance and saturation in photoshop by myself.

I took inspiration from Jacob Reishal and their common use of lines and colour in their still life compositions, and used both the pink and the green together to create a more interesting shot. I prefer the composition when the line is placed diagonally across the set as it is more interesting and not as regimented. 

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