

Today I worked alongside Hannah Gilmore and Patricia Lopez, a Fashion communication and promotion student, and a Graphic design student respectively. I showed them the document in which I had just placed the images in my chosen order, and asked them how they thought I could improve, and bring the whole thing together and look coherent rather than just images on pages.

Above is how I chose colours for the borders. I wanted them to match perfectly and maintain a strong theme so the colour swatch tool was really helpful and picked out the main colours in an image to then be able to save to a palette and select from there for border colours. 

Hannah, a fashion promotion and communication student, helped me experiment with adding backgrounds to some images which had a lot of white space around them. Above and below are experiments we tried, however we both agreed that the image was too busy already. I tried adding a border to the image to break up the two shots but I still wasn't happy. 
The three of us decided that the shot looked a lot better spread across a double page. I will have to consult my group about this as now not everyone will have two of their images in the zine. 

Patricia felt the zine was missing something with all the white space I had around the landscape images. She suggested adding some text and used an idea from a reference leaflet she had which she uses often for design ideas.

'Fill with placeholder text' was a very valuable thing which Patricia taught me, This enabled me to see what my layout would look like when filled with text. Before when I have tried to see what it would look like, as I did with the first page and that writing, I copied and pasted some text from my visual logbook. This handy shortcut could have saved me some time and is a lot more easier.

The four images above are experiments which me and our graphic designer worked on together. We struggled finding a box which worked aesthetically and didn't look out of place or stood out too much. Our chosen version is top left. 
Other design choices which were made was altering the title from black to white, and altering the opacity. I wasn't sure on this at first as I really liked the black however it matches the white border and can be seen more easily. The change in opacity goes with the title 'Faded'. 
Also the addition of borders around pages which weren't full spread, as this again helped bring a contest theme and tie the whole zine together. 

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