Creative Decisions


When making my photobook I had to make lots of creative decisions involving sequencing, type, captions and layout:

I knew I wanted to include type under my images, so I wrote out the captions and scanned them in as I felt using my own handwriting added a personal touch. The placement of this was either directly under the image, in a more polaroid, snapshot way, or in the bottom corner of the page. As I wasn't including page numbers I liked the way the name of the image on that page acts as a replacement. 

Here I am experimenting with the flip of the second image, whether they should both be facing the same direction or both facing inwards. I think when both subjects are facing inward, the viewer is drawn to the centre of both images and therefore their attention remains within the set of images, whereas if they are both looking down to the right, the viewers eyes are drawn away from the first image as we automatically read left to right in western culture, and it heightens that.  

I chose to have these three images together in a sequence as the first and last subject the viewer sees in this set of three are doing the same thing; sat on their phones and this subtle similarity we unconsciously notice and a viewer who wasn't consciously looking for this may not even notice. 

Despite minimalism being a key theme in my book, I felt my title page was quite bare, despite it not being on the hardback cover, I still needed a cover page with my name and the title of my photobook. I experimented with including lines on various parts of the page. My book title is digital unlike the captions of my images as it looked more professional, I still wanted it to be in a typeface which looked as though it had been handwritten. I also wanted the graphic line to look handwritten, so I experimented in photoshop with different brush strokes and how I could achieve a look which matched my typeface. 

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