Printing my mock book


Today I printed my mock book. It was far more stressful than I had first anticipated, however I am very glad that I didn't give up and persisted and got there in the end.
My first problem was that my first printed booklet was that I didn't have my indesign file packaged with my images which I included in my file, which meant they weren't linked, and printed in very poor resolution. Luckily, the file also printed wrongly; some images were upside down and Sarah refunded me. I went home to get all my image files so I could fill the missing links.

My second try of the day had the better quality images, however some images weren't placed on the centre of the page as they do in the file. I wasn't sure why this happened the way it did but I wasn't happy with it and knew I wanted to reprint again. I practised at cutting and stapling the pages together  so that when I did it on my final print I knew what I was doing a little more. I was glad I did this as it took me two attempts to staple the pages together in the middle. 

Sadly it wasn't third time lucky for me as on my third attempt printing the black toner ran out. Today just wasn't my day. However on my fourth attempt, everything was okay and I decided not to trim any edges, as my design didn't meet the edges of the page anyway and I had a white background, and to avoid any further mishaps I left my booklet untouched after printing. It also meant the pages remained A5 which is what I wanted originally and felt even trimming a cm off made the page size smaller than I wanted. 

After spending five hours trying to print my booklet out I am very happy that it finally came out okay and that I can make the hardback cover for it which I am really looking forward to.

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