Experimenting with Layout


Today I have been experimenting with different designs for the pages of the zine which my image will feature on. For the time being I have placed my image on the cover as it was a portrait image and fitted the whole page whereas any images sent to me so far were landscape, which wouldn't have worked as well, however when the rest of my group send me their images for the zine I can see if any others are more suitable.
I experimented with the scale of the image on the cover also, using different crops. I wasn't sure on this idea as I preferred the original image uncropped, however my graphic designers suggested that I should try many possibilities as winning ideas are often discovered by accident or when you least except. I think I still prefer the original image however I will put the idea forward to my group.

Here, (left) I experimented with the layout of the inside of the zine, and with the idea of text on our first page to inform readers what the zine is and the purpose of this. I haven't written anything there but just pasted some text from this blog to show what it could look like. I used colour matching across the spread with the use of lines similar to that I found in Clash Magazine yesterday. I think this works really well.

To the right and below are experiments in which I tried to incorporate both my portrait and still life image on one page. I showed this idea to my graphic designer who suggested I add the blue down either side, which really ties the image together.
I stayed with the idea of the text and the colour matching box around it as I think this is a solid idea which will be used in the Zine.

I chose to include just one single image per page as taking the size of the zine into  consideration, one image A5 will look more striking whereas two on a page may look squashed and not as professional.

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