Our Photo Zine


As a group we decided that the name of our Zine would be Faded. We like the irony of our theme of bright colours with the title Faded, which suggests the opposite.
I have been put in charge of producing our zine, compiling all the images together and working together with graphic designers and a fashion communication student to decide on a layout and put the publication together.
I looked through magazines Clash, Dazed & Confused, ID, Wonderland, Pop and Love with Hannah, the Fashion Promotion and Communication student we are collaborating with to develop some ideas in terms of positioning images on the page and how to make it more interesting. These are the images we picked out as a starting point to develop my zine from.

This image from Clash Magazine is a good example of how a bleed in the middle of the zine could be used to compliment our images and that they don't have to be white all the time. I also like the box around the image as it adds interest and the geometric aspect contrasts to the faded pink on the bleed of the bind. 

I really like the interaction between the text and the image, and the addition of the box around the subject creates another layer to the image and links the text to the subject. This idea could be a good design for our Zine's front cover, as it draws attention and the text stands out. I really like the geometric aspects of the last two images as it feels really clean and crisp, and can add a professional edge to our zine.

The above two images were from Pop Magazine, Issue 34 S/S16. The layout of these images really appeals to me; The layering of images over another instead of full spread on a page could be a possibility of layout for our zine, however this is depending on the feel we want our zine to have, as this layout is quite busy, and the images together need to be considered as to not look out of place or for there to be too much going on. Also it gives a certain aesthetic which is quite specific and other members of my group may not like it and may prefer images on a white background or full page. 
I plan to experiment with the layout of our images like this. the top right image has been very carefully used as it is clear where one photograph stops and the other begins, the contrast is very considered, as though the centre image has been outlined. This framing will not be as effective and will not work if the too images are too similar in contrast in the same place. 

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