First edit of narrative images


Tonight I began the selection process for my narrative book. I still have a couple more images to print off to help me see everything together more clearly.
Today was to get other peoples detached opinions of my work and first impressions of how they could work together. I plan to work on my sequencing properly tomorrow, but wanted to possibly edit out some images if my peers thought they didn't go.

Comments made to me was that the pink of the dressing gown in the image circled doesn't match the aesthetic of the other images which are generally darker toned images, also that the bright beach scene looks a little out of place, so I plan to go back and alter some colours in post. 

I found this process very helpful getting my peers unattached point of views and opinions, as Juneko explained on Monday, I have become attached to particular images which may not necessary match the aesthetic of the rest of my photobook, which will need to be edited out to maintain a strong narrative even if it hurts my feelings a little.

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