BA2a: Landscape, Portrait and Still Life


Today we got briefed by James for our first project of second year, Landscape, Portrait and still life. At first, I was unsure about how I could link images of completely different subject matter, especially landscape as I have never really taken landscape images and didn't have any ideas of what landscapes to photograph and how they could be consistent.
I have decided to start by shooting landscapes and to build my work up from there as I will have a better idea of the direction I am taking. I know I want to base my work on similar to my exploration and investigation work, seen here, as I really enjoyed creating the aesthetic and think this is something I may want to build my professional practice around.

For initial inspiration, I have chosen to look at brands, and how they brand themselves with a specific aesthetic, and keep this consistent across all campaigns and across a variety of media, such as moving image. As part of our new brief we have to produce a 30second moving image clip. This is also something I am quite nervous about producing as moving image is something I have never really considered nor have been very interested in before as a medium; but I hope to rise to the challenge and from even briefly looking at a few AW16 campaign fashion films I am secretly even maybe looking forward to it a little. We'll see how it goes.

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