Being Bolder- Still Life Shoot 1


Today I shot a test for something a little different, choosing to alter my colour palette towards something more bolder. I am trying to move away from having everything pink; I really like this aesthetic, but I want to be a little different to everyone else and include some brighter, bolder colours within my images. I really liked the final outcome of this shoot, as pictured below. 

I struggled finding an image to work with as I didn't have a backdrop big enough; this meant I had to stitch two images together in post. I also experimented with gels a little, but I struggled to get the colour as I wanted, which looking back probably had something to do with the aperture on my camera. I only managed to get one decent shot from the session, however I am very happy with this single image. It was disheartening only achieving one solid image however this was a learning curve and at least it wasn't a total waste of time. I hope to shoot something similar next week having improved my technical skills. 

After taking this image to a crit, I lined up the blue with the zip on the front of the bag. Before Matt mentioned it I didn't notice but after changing it I totally agree with how much better it looks. It reminds me that still life is really about the nitty gritty specifics and details which bring the image together. 

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