Models matter


Today in my group crit Matt brought up about the types of models I am using and asked how I source them; similarly to Juneko in my one to one last week. In my test shoot with gels on monday I used two of my good friends, and juneko questioned my aesthetic and if I thought my models were coherent. In truth, I think the aesthetic I am going for requires quite a soft model, rather than a darker skinned model with very defined features and a fierce, distinctive look. I really enjoyed shooting her but I think to increase my production value and make the images I am making look more authentic, I need to be more selective in my choice of model and ensure it is consistent across my work.

A lot of the images I pull from the internet for inspiration have a consistent look; I think I have a clear idea of the kind of model I wish to photograph; simple yet defined features, soft looking with either blonde or brunette hair. The way I style my models hair and makeup will need to be consistent also; I am not a massive fan of over the top makeup and hair, I want the focus to be on natural beauty and for the styling to remain understated.

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