Luke Stephenson
The simplicity of Luke Stephenson's series 'An incomplete dictionary of snowbirds' reminded me of the work of Elad Lassry who I looked at last year. The colours complement each other and suit the tone of the minimalistic series.
Another series from Stephenson's personal work was 99x99's, a photographic road trip exploring the world of the 99 ice cream. over 25 days and 3500, he travelled across the UK documenting the classic sea side treat. He became fascinated by the human touches which make the 99 ice cream unique to wherever they are from. Again, it was the minimalism which draws my attention, and is something I want to incorporate in my own still life images.
Another series by Stepehson which caught my eye was 7122 Corn Flakes in a box. Again, this project was incredibly simple, I didn't like the aesthetic approach as the flakes were shot on a black background and were very contrasted, but I think the concept is very clever and unique, fitting with his simple style of work.