Rome Landscapes


This weekend I visited Rome. Throughout my time here I was constantly thinking about my current brief and how I can capture anything related to my chosen direction; I decided this weekend was the perfect opportunity to start on my landscapes, this was an area I was unsure about producing, so getting stuck in straight away and just experimenting to see how they turn out seemed like the best idea and to just photograph anything that appealed to me as colourful or pretty.

As an outcome I am really pleased with my shots, the majority are of coloured buildings and I didn't realise until it came to looking through them all that they're all the same colour pretty much- I seem to be drawn towards it as I was sure I had a variety. I now plan to take portraits and still life and try to make a coherent mini series.

f/4.5 1/160

f\4.5 1/160 

f/5 1/200

f/5 1/200

f/3.2 1/80

f/3.5 1/100

f/2.8 1/60 

f/6.3 1/320


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