Second Portrait Shoot


This evening I shot my second portrait shoot of the brief, along with some still life. The shoot was primarily supposed to be still life but it turned out quite the opposite, and I have decided to shoot my still life images next week, where I will have more time. My set up was the same as my previous shoot and having a lighting diagram really helped me save a lot of time setting up and meant I could get going quicker. When shooting my models I had them hold the bag which was styled to each outfit; I took a variety of shots, including closely cropped shots of the bag being worn for still life. I really like the outcome of these still life images, as well as the shots of both models together. 

Images 1019-1022 document my struggle with gels and maintaining a constant colour for full length body shots, I experimented with different light positions however I still struggled trying to eliminate all shadows without over exposing the shot. This is a good example of something I should try and achieve before my models are on set as it is unprofessional and time wasting to try and fix a problem with lighting that could have been sorted before. 

The vast majority of my work so far has been pink, which is something I want to break away from a little as its too much and I need more variety in my work. I plan to shoot on location for my next portrait shoot as this will definitely help me to steer away from the one colour and develop my project further. 

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