Demi Hopkins


On 2nd December we had a lecuture we had four MA photography students show us their work and talk to us about their work. I hadn't really considered doing an MA after my BA but its definitely the best way to refine your practice if you are still struggling to find yourself after a three year degree. What I found really interesting about the MA and how its structured is that you have group crits across the courses, so peers from other courses can collaborate and give feedback to everyone.

The student who's work I felt was most relevant to me was Demi Hopkins. Her work immediately stood out as innovative and experimental; they were different to anything I'd seen from a student before.

When looking into what I could do for my rough cut brief I immediately thought of Demi's work and want to use paint and other mediums to to make marks on my prints by hand.  This physical aspect of manipulating my images really interests me as I really enjoy being hands on.

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