Rough Cut Approach 1


My first approach is inspired by the work of Hattie Stewart. Once I knew I had room to experiment I knew I wanted to get to grips and practice with the Wacom drawing tablet. Living with animation and graphic design students who use the equipment almost every day, I had previously had a go but had really struggled with getting use to it and quickly given up; Although I knew I wanted to master it I borrowed one and persevered. The first image was the outcome of my first test using it. It took some getting use to the hand eye coordination aspect of it but I was really happy with this first outcome. I hadn't shot anything for the new brief at this point so I practiced on images which I have taken for the previous project.

After shooting for the brief I went out and bought my own drawing tablet and had another go with it and using adobe illustrator; I started off in photoshop and quickly realised I was making the process alot more difficult for myself, as illustrator will take any drawn lines and perfect them for you to look more defined and alot less shaky. This helped my work look 10x better and professional just by using a different programme. I am happy with the outcome of this approach; it was enjoyable and I had fun experimenting and using new means to create. 

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