Rough Cut approach 2


After becoming more confident using Adobe illustrator and getting a few tutorials from my friends, I begun to experiment alot more and realise how much it has to offer in terms of creative freedom. I discovered so many new brush strokes which made it look as though I had used actual brushes ontop of my prints and I experimented and played around with different strokes and weight, whilst still trying to compliment my images. After exploring the digital side to this I wanted to see how it would compare to physically painting onto prints. I used acrylic paint and a selection of different brushes to try and recreate the effect which I had done on the computer. I found this alot harder and I couldn't undo mistakes so it left me having to waste quite alot of prints that just didn't go right. Below are all of my attempts, the bigger ones being the images which I deemed to be more successful and my final images. 

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