Rough cut approach 5


My fifth approach was collage. I really enjoy being hands on and being able to mix my photography with more physical aspects of art and getting my hands a little dirty. I revisited my A level work for initial inspiration and as a starting point for research. I also got a book from the library on collage titled ‘Collage, contemporary artists who cut and paste’.  This book presented me with many modern artists of which collage is their main craft and who I took inspiration from. I firstly attempted to use a combination of illustrator and photoshop to digitally stitch multiple images together and to create a new one, combination of the two; and then doing the same by hand using a stanley knife. I really liked the compositions I created, bringing a new, interesting lease of life into my own images. I knew this was something which I wanted to develop further towards my final rough cut image. 

Done digitally using adobe illustrator and photoshop

By hand with craft knife 

By hand with craft knife 

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