25/01/17: Shooting


Today I hoped to capture a final still life and a portrait for my first brief. I hope to finish this as soon as possible to then be able to focus on my remaining diversity brief.

1/160 f/20 ISO 200 Canon 5Ds

This is my best outcome from this shoot. The composition is strong and I can see it being used in a fashion advert in a magazine or alongside other images in a campaign in a shop window or online. The styling is from Zara so I think it would work as part of their marketing, for example.

Below is my portrait from this shoot.

1/160 f/20 ISO 200 Canon 5Ds

I think the styling works well and is consistent with my other images, the embroidery maintains my influences of the outdoors whilst still being minimalistic. 

This was initially probably my favourite image from the shoot and I thought it was my strongest. I experimented with adding leaves in the background as I thought there was too much negative space, and to help it link to my other images. Reflecting on it now, I think I ruined it and much prefer the original shot. 

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