Adjusting the curves of my images


After my 1 to 1 with Andi I realise that I now need to go through all my images for the first brief to adjust the curves very slightly so that the tones all match and are much more coherent. I started with the two portraits below and theres a before and after. They look much better and I didn't realise how different they really were until you put them side by side and see the difference between before and after. I plan to go through all my images like this so that they match better than before.

****BELOW ADDED 8/02/17****

Today I went back through all my images and perfected the adjustments so that the tones are much more fluid throughout the series. They look alot better now and much more similar. The changes are so subtle that I struggle to see them unless they're side by side with a before and after.

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