Working with my last few images


After shooting one of my final sets of images for the first brief I tried to match them up with a landscape to see how they work together and what adjustments need to be made. After matching the tones with one image, it will become easier to do this step by step with the remaining ones. I'm really happy with the outcome of these and how they look together; putting them side by side with a landscape completes the image in a  way and I can see the pairs together in an editorial for a fashion brand or in a magazine.

I'm at the final stages of my first brief and all thats left to do is to make my images look more consistent as a series, and doing this by very subtly adjusting the curves. Its quite a time consuming process for such subtle adjustments as trying to get images I took on different days, months apart in different conditions to look the same is more difficult than I first expected. Despite this, I'm happy with my progress and excited to see how they all look in the end.

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