My final 'Diversity Now!' images and Todays tutorial


Today I printed my final three images for the Diversity now brief in preparation for my show and tell crit on Thursday. I am really happy with these three and how they work together as a set. My main inspiration came from Mark Sanders and his series 'Contours' even though I ended up not using nude images, I think you can see the visual references and in todays 1 to 1with Matt, he asked if I had looked at Elad Lassry, even though I hadn't in relation to this set of images, he is one of my influences throughout my work and I like that that comes through any of the work I produce.

Matt looked through all of my work which I plan to submit and said it looked very coherent and he could see my visual style coming through. The only thing I was worried about was my essay but he has given me some confidence behind my written work too. I came out of my tutorial very happy and confident that I can submit a good bulk of work that I am proud of.

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