Stefan Ruiz


When looking for inspiration for my Diversity brief Matt suggested I looked at Stefan Ruiz. His style is very similar to what I want to achieve within my work; very simple, decontextualised portraits. 
The images have a documentary feel to them, this is highlighted by the text below the images, showing that they are documenting patients from a psychiatric hospital. The crop is also something I want to recreate in my images. 

I like the different angles used and put together. I plan to take images from lots of different angles to capture my models alternative piercings and tattoos. By working the shot I will have lots of images from different views to choose from. They remind me of headshots taken when you're in custody and of images taken of tattoos and identifiable features when you're in prison. This is something I plan to look into when creating my own images. The crop of them really heightens this suggestion.

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