Fourth Shoot


Today I worked alongside a stylist to create some images for an editorial. I haven't worked with a stylist on set before and I knew this was something I really needed to do to increase the production value of my images. We exchanged ideas of how we wanted to take the shoot and she had a clear idea of the clothes she wanted the models to be wearing. The initial idea was that she wanted the model to be wearing her own (the stylists) clothes, and a working title for the images would be ‘out of the wardrobe’ I really liked the idea and was excited to see how the shoot would go. The desired outcome was for these images to appear in a small zine that she wanted to create as an end goal for her after graduation (She is a fashion promotion and communication student) is to be an editor of editorials for a top magazine or to put together her very own bi-annual publication. 

On the day of the shoot I met with the stylist an hour early so we could go over exactly what we wanted to do and what outfits we were shooting. She had put together the separate outfits on hangers so that when the model arrived we knew exactly what they were going to wear. We have more shoots planned so we worked out what outfits would look best on each model. 
As soon as we starting shooting I realised how beneficial it was having someone there entirely focused on the clothes; she would step in whenever was suitable to change the way something was falling on the model or giving more direction for how they should hold their hand or leg, things that I wasn't as focused on as I rarely focus on anything directly but the models face, I am looking at the bigger picture and how its composed. 

We planned one shoot a day for three days, going to five locations in total; the train station (permission permitting) riverside, the yacht club, a small gardens behind prince of wales, and waterfront boat park. With three models and one being able to come back for two days, we also wanted to experiment with two models working together. 

My one concern for these shoots was the potential difference between locations, as I was under the impression she wanted them all to appear side by side in the same editorial. I expressed my concerns but the stylist was still happy as the clothes were consistent and that they would still work. 

Me and the stylist both agreed that the styling on this image didn't flatter the model; It made her look much bigger than she is. I liked the pink of her coat with the yellow flowers, and the composition, but if she was styled more appropriately, I could have gotten more shots that I was happy with.

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