My self promotion before


My self promotion for myself as a photographer before recently was quite limited; I had a website which I had purchased a domain for to make it more professional, but that was about it; I didn't have a facebook page dedicated to my photography, I had an Instagram but I was inconsistent when uploading content and it was half hearted. I had linkd in but again, the information on there was very limited and I didn't even have a profile image. 

These are screen shots of my website before I made any changes. I made my website this time last year when I was producing work I was really proud of and wanted to show case. I bought the domain and used WIX to create my website. I found WIX gave me the most freedom to move everything and anything around, add and alter any aspect of my website, and gave me the choice weather or not to use a template or start from scratch. I liked this freedom in comparison to platforms such as square space which didn't give me as much freedom. WIX allowed me to add different galleries to show my images, and made it really easy to move things around and change things whenever I fancied a change. WIX was also the cheaper option for me, which was a big aspect of my decision. 

When I went back onto my website after quite a few months I didn't even know how to change the images on my home screen and it took me a couple seconds to work out that I had to click the buttons at the bottom to switch between five different images. Aspects like this navigation were things I wanted to change within my website. 

I split my work into three sections, Travel, Portraits and still life. This seemed to be the most straightforward way to section my images, I could have called travel landscapes but it didn't feel as fitting as any landscapes I take really are taken abroad as I just really find the english landscape uninteresting. I also had a home and an about menu option so it was easy to navigate and get into contact with me. Any message I got through my website comes to me as an email, and its simple for me to reply. 

My website stayed looking like this and pretty neglected to be honest; I was rubbish at updating it and it had very dated work on there when I was producing much better work already. 

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