Retouching after my 1 to 1


After my 1 to 1 with James today I went back to my final images and made a few retouches, little things that I hadn't picked up on but became so obvious when pointed out to me by James and were so minor but made a difference. Two big points were the difference in colour tones of skin, between the bottom two, since they were side by side in the spread, and of the same image, the difference was much more obvious. The closer image was much colder, so I increased the orange in the skin and added +3 in warmth. And there was also a difference between the greys of the carpark floor between the two below, which although on different pages, was quite a clear difference. I increased warmth in the left image to bring them closer together. I hadn't edited my images side by side before today, which is something I should have been doing, especially when working on an editorial where images will be seen side by side on spreads. 

Bringing the greys closer, I increased the warmth ever so slightly on the left image 

Bringing skin tones closer together, increased warmth and orange hue on the left image, and also simply retouched the top of her head on the right hand image.

With this image I got rid of flyaway hair which did nothing for the image, and straightened the background image too. 

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