Anne-Laure Maison


After my shoot of All Saints Green from the Travel Lodge and really liking my outcome of the images which  encompass multiple windows, I found photographer Anne-Laure Maison. 

Anne-Laure Maison is a french photographer and artist who out of curiosity will visit homes of strangers and when invited to do so, will photograph them after visiting all the rooms. 

Sometimes she stands outside the house and observes the doors or windows, the minimum opening full of mystery that she likes to photograph, and leave the rest to the imagination. 

She feels as though she is living up to her name; Maison in french means home. 

In her series titled tableaux Intimités, Maison photographs windows at night and then creates striking compositions. The collages are created on a background capturing all glimpses full of light to emphasise them. All the windows are taken from travels through New york, Amsterdam, Prague and Paris. The series tells fragments of stories which are to be left to the imagination, and collecting them together. 

At first glance this series I thought was aesthetically pleasing and different, but after knowing that each window is from a different place, and many of them from across different continents, Its brought another dimension into the image and I feel I look at them in a different light. They're all so very similar, each window is lit similarly and by looking at a window you would have no way of knowing here where the image was taken and that they were from different countries,  and this promotes an idea of equality. A window is such a mundane object, we see them everyday and they are always there, however they can become something quite personal; inside your window, of your home, is your life. While these are just snapshots, they have the potential to portray something about someone. 

"There the viewer is curious because, who does it involuntarily, even some people do it for stalking , there are those who sees through them trying to guess what's inside." -Anne Laure Maison 

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