Being Nosey in the Offices


These images were taken using a 200mm lens from my kitchen, on the seventh floor of NUA halls All Saints Green, looking out across the street to the offices opposite us. I wanted to shoot at dusk/nightfall as I wanted the lights to be on enabling me to see inside and photograph. 

Two best outcomes:

I liked this shoot as the location gave me a good insight into the building, and the time of day of shooting also was suitable as at certain times, the sun reflects off of the windows and nothing can be seen inside the building. I particularly like the effect of the window frames and how they separate the image. This is similar to the work of Arne Svenson who uses window frames as part of his compositions. The image quality of this shoot isn't great, they are all quite grainy from a high ISO.

I prefer this image out of the two as it was taken using a shorter focal length. I am finding myself liking images like this one, taken with shorter focal length, compared to images which are closer into my subject. (I preferred images from my shoot of All Saints Green At Night which displayed a certain amount of context, such as what the building looks like rather than just through the window.) When given more of a picture and more context we are given a greater image to understand, and more aspects for the viewer to think about, and more possibility to incorporate several stories or lives through the windows, which is something I think I want to bring to my project. 

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